Mr. and Mrs. S had moved into a new home that had a well as the water source and noticed a rotten-egg like smell, and it wasn't the most appealing to drink either. The equipment that was there addressed sulfur and the hardness of the water, but was unable to do so successfully. We applied our EV2-1054-MIN in this case because it's our "All-in-one" system; it can handle higher iron levels, some odor, and hard water, so in order to save our customers on cost and potential maintenance, we went with this option that had the Lifetime Warranty. To address their drinking water quality, we also installed our State Certified Ultroflow Reverse Osmosis that provides an 80%-98% reduction in everything else that is in the water. This system provides bottled water quality from their on water source. They now have odor free water and enjoy drinking the water on a regular basis.