Bio film in Neenah, WI

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We had a customer who build a work shop that ran on well water. After a couple months using the water they noticed iron stains and a bad smell on the hot water. With using the water to wash off cars, boats and other equipment they did not want to ruin anything they where cleaning. 


After some tests of the water we found a lot of iron and a heavy amount of iron bacteria. The iron bacteria will cause the bad odor on the hot water and leave a slimy film left behind. Removing the bacteria requires some sort of chemical injection, we recommend a hydrogen peroxide injection. The hydrogen peroxide will disinfect the water all the time then breaks down into water so its tasteless and odorless. 

our service area

We serve the following areas

Our Locations:

Clean Water Center
1990 Prospect Ct
Appleton, WI 54914

Clean Water Center
N57W39785 Wisconsin Ave
Oconomowoc, WI 53066
Service Area
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