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Reviews From Winneconne
Before and After Pictures from Winneconne


Before After

Homeowners in Winneconne found that they had precipated sulfur coming out of their faucets as black fleck and their previous water softener was unable to address this concern. With their previous softener being 15+ years old, they chose to be proactive and move forward with a new water softener that also addressed the black fleck that was coming from their well. The EVRC was the answer to their water treatment needs because it both has a carbon filter, and softens with resin on the bottom half of it's tank. They now have softened water and sulfur sediment removed.

New Iron Filter- Winneconne, WI

New Iron Filter- Winneconne, WI

Before After
New Iron Filter- Winneconne, WI New Iron Filter- Winneconne, WI

We had a customer of ours call use because the old iron filter was having some issues. With the age of the iron filter, we recommend it could be time to replace it. We set up to have one of our project coordinators come out to see what we could do. After some water testing, we found the iron filter not to be working as it should. We discussed replacement options and found the EVFE the best solution. After a clean install the customer no longer has iron issues in the house!

Protecting a Home From Hard Water in Winneconne, WI

Protecting a Home From Hard Water in Winneconne, WI

Before After
Protecting a Home From Hard Water in Winneconne, WI Protecting a Home From Hard Water in Winneconne, WI

Jim just moved into a home in Winneconne that had no water treatment equipment. He knew the area, like most of Wisconsin, had very hard water and wanted to protect his home from the damage Calcium and Magnesium can cause.

A Project Coordinator was sent to his home to test water and suggested a water softener that was sized correctly for his home and fit within his budget. Jim decided on the ES-1044.

Water Filter, Softener, and Conditioner System Contractor in Winneconne, WI

Happy Customers Surrounding Winneconne, WI

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Enjoy quality water for your Winneconne, WI home

Quality water is a critical part of keeping you and your family comfortable and healthy. You use it while cooking, cleaning, bathing, and many other essential functions within your home on a daily basis. At Clean Water Center we understand this more than anyone and, as a member of the Evolve family of dealers, we provide a wide range of quality water treatment solutions so you can enjoy good water in your home.

Do you have hard water? Are you struggling with a foul smell or concerned about contaminants? Our wide selection of water treatment solutions can meet whatever needs you have, including water filters, water softeners, water conditioners, reverse osmosis drinking water systems, and more.

Contact us today online or call 1-920-734-7665 to schedule your free water treatment cost estimate in Winneconne, WI!

Our water treatment solutions in Winneconne, WI

There are a variety of problems that can occur with drinking water. That’s why we offer a wide range of solutions including:

  • Water Conditioners
  • Whole House Water Filters
  • Water Softeners
  • Drinking-Water Filters
  • Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Systems
  • Multi-Stage Water Filters
  • Under Sink Drinking Water Systems
  • Water Treatment System Repair
  • Filter Replacement
  • Salt Delivery
  • Water Testing

Where does Winneconne’s drinking water come from?

According to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, about 66% of Wisconsin residents get their drinking water from groundwater, and the other 33% source it from Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, or Lake Winnebago. The local government reports that about 4 in 10 people get their drinking water from private wells.

Owners of private wells are responsible for monitoring their private wells to ensure they are safe to drink from. Nitrates and arsenic, for example, are common, naturally occurring contaminants in Wisconsin soil and are often found in private well water. In Outagamie County, for example, the percentage of private wells that tested over the safe level of arsenic in drinking water was nearly four times the percentage of private wells overall in Wisconsin. However, Outagamie County reported lower numbers of unsafe nitrate levels in private wells compared to Wisconsin overall.

The Importance of Filtering Your Water

How unsafe is unfiltered water?

Proper water filtration is essential for maintaining a safe source of drinking water. Even water that is not for consumption (animal or human) should be free of harmful contaminants that can affect our lives in other ways. Water for showering, washing your clothes, nourishing your pets, and even watering your plants should be healthy. Water can be considered “dirty” due to chemical pollutants and disease-causing microbes.

There are several short-term and long-term risks associated with drinking contaminated water. Exposure to chemicals in water can result in skin discoloration or, eventually, damage to the nervous system or organs. Ingesting water with disease-causing microbes is relatively rare in the United States nowadays because of advanced water filtration practices, but that used to be a common spreader of infectious diseases, including typhoid fever and cholera. There are parts of the world where these diseases still run rampant because of inadequate or tainted drinking water supplies.

Common Sources of Drinking Water Contamination:

  • Industry & agriculture— Rainfall and water runoff can carry fertilizer and pesticides into the water system. Storage facilities for these compounds can also spread contaminants through rainfall and water runoff.
  • Human & animal waste— Sewage and septic systems can spread harmful microbes into drinking water systems. Common contaminants found in these scenarios include E.coli and Giardia.
  • Treatment & distribution— Some treatments meant to clean the water can leave behind harmful chemicals such as trihalomethanes. Flaws in the water system, such as broken or rusty pipes, can also contribute to contamination.
  • Natural sources— Groundwater can pass through soil and bedrock that is contaminated with natural arsenic, heavy metals, or radioactive compounds such as radon.

Do you have foul-smelling, dirty, or hard water? Contact us today and schedule your free estimate in Winneconne, WI!

Case Studies From Winneconne
We had a current customer of ours who decided to test there well water for arsenic. The home owner had lived in the home for many years had just...
Iron filter has a constant leak that is starting to drip onto the floor.
Job Stories From Winneconne, WI
Changing Water Conditions in Winneconne

In the rare instance that water conditions change it is not uncommon to need to adjust or add to one’s water treatment equipment. In this home a water conditioner was installed years ago, everything was fine until November 2023 when they started experiencing rust staining in their sinks and toilets. A service technician was sent to the home to see if there was any problem with the equipment. after a water test it was discovered that there was indeed iron slipping past the conditioner. However, this is not to the fault of the conditioner. There are two types of iron and softeners and conditioners only treat one of them, something that was not present during the original water test years ago. Instead of replacing equipment that was still working as it should with something that could treat the new water condition a sediment filter was placed before the conditioner to keep this new iron from getting into the conditioner and the home. A simple and cost-effective solution to changing water conditions.

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Changing Water Conditions in Winneconne

Occasionally what a home’s needs are for water treatment changes. Could be the water usage in the home has changed, number of people in the home has changed. Even the water conditions themselves can change, although it is rare. A home in Winneconne had high iron and high hardness, nearly 15 years ago, so an iron filter and softener were installed. Then recently the homeowner called asking us to replace the aging equipment. After a consult with Clean Water Center, they discovered the amount and kind of iron in the water did not need an iron filter, a softener could easily handle the hardness and iron all by itself. The customer decided on an EVRS-1054, now there is one less piece of equipment using water and less moving parts, requiring less maintenance, and having less opportunity to wear out or need replacing.

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Arsenic Treatment in Winneconne

A customer of our sister company Clean Water Testing had a well and septic, health, and safety test on a home they were in the process of selling.  They discovered as a part of the test was that the level of arsenic in the water was above the health and safety threshold. 


The homeowner contacted us, and we came out to the home to see if a reverse osmosis system was going to be possible. It was. So, we scheduled an install and took another arsenic test after the RO was put in and the levels were over 90% lower.  Now the new homeowner doesn’t have to worry about safe drinking water.

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Water Pressure RO Problems - Winneconne

The homeowners called us because they were having low water pressure with their reverse osmosis filtration system.  Kyle our tech went to the home to explore the issue.  After investigating the unit, he found that the filters were full of sediment and was able to change them out to get a good flow of water again. 

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Water in Brine Tank - Winneconne, WI

The homeowner here called us to fix their water softener.  They were having standing water in the brine tank, a salty taste to the water and they were going through salt like crazy.  Our technician Layke was sent out to the home to investigate the situaiton.  He found that there were a few parts that were not working correctly and changed them out.  He then tested the water before and after the water softener to be sure the homeowners were getting the best quality of water. 

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Reverse Osmosis Pressure - Winneconne, WI

The homeowner called us because he was not getting any pressure with their reverse osmosis system after changing the yearly filters.  The service manager Randy, went out to the home to investigate.  He was able to check the filters over and foiund that one of the filters was but into the system the wrong way.  He also tested the water to make sure that the RO system was working properly before he left.  

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Service Plan - Winneconne, WI

Mr and Mrs G. have signed up on our service plan.  Every year we will come to their home to do a 10 point performance check on their water softener and take care of the preventative maintenance.  We deliver their salt out to them at pick up price and test their water for hardness, iron, ph and total dissolved solids.  We also change their filters for them at no additional cost.  

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Rusty Water - Winneconne, WI

The homeowners were noticing spots of rust on their clothing and in their toilets.  Their water also had a metallic taste.  We were able to clean up the water softener and tested the water before and after the water treatment equipment to make sure everything was perfect.  

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Annual Maintenance Plan Renewal - Winneconne, WI

Mr. and Mrs. B called in to schedule their annual maintenance plan renewal for their water softener.  We inspected the unit to make sure all was working properly.  We tested the water from before the water softener and after to make sure the unit is working properly.  

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