Customer had been on city water for years and bought a home on well water. After living there for a while, she could not handle the sulfur smell from the water and refused to drink it. Started buying a lot of bottled water for them to drink instead.
A Project Coordinator went out to her home and tested the water. They found that there was definitely a sulfur smell coming from the water as well as 2.5 ppm of iron. The current softener was older but taking care of the iron. The homeowner was remodeling a lot of the home, including the bathrooms and kitchen eventually. She decided to go with rental units from us. We installed an EVRS-1044 water softener, an EVFE-1054 iron filter for the sulfur and iron, and an UltroWater Reverse Osmosis drinking system, that we also set up to be installed to the fridge when she gets a new one.
Her water will no longer smell, and she can be confident in drinking the water she is giving to her family.